Updated WPS Posters for "Central Posting" Areas and Certain Decontamination Sites

Under the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) as revised in 2015, specific information must be available to agricultural workers and pesticide handlers at all times during their working hours. Agricultural employers usually select a readily-accessible area, perhaps where workers check in/out for the day, where they change clothes, eat, etc. To learn more about the requirements, visit our central posting guide.
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Purchase printed copies of the posters from NPSEC
The new poster may be printed and distributed. There are several languages available:
- English only (11x17)
- English only (22x34)
- Spanish only (11x17)
- Spanish only (22x34)
- English/Spanish (11x17)
- English/Spanish (22x34)
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- English/Chinese (22x34)
- Haitian-Creole only (11x17)
- Haitian-Creole only (22x34)
- English/Haitian-Creole (11x17)
- English/Haitian-Creole (22x34)
- Ilocano only (11x17)
- Ilocano only (22x34)
- English/Ilocano (11x17)
- English/Ilocano (22x34)
- English/Spanish/Karen (22x34) (courtesy of Bailey Nurseries)
- Russian only (11x17)
- Russian only (22x34)
- English/Russian (11x17)
- English/Russian (22x34)
- Tagalog only (11x17)
- Tagalog only (22x34)
- English/Tagalog (11x17)
- English/Tagalog (22x34)
- Vietnamese only (11x17)
- Vietnamese only (22x34)
- English/Vietnamese (11x17)
- English/Vietnamese (22x34)
PERC is collaborating with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) to promote the sale of printed posters to help support pesticide safety education nationally.
Purchase printed copies of the posters from NPSEC
Disclaimer on resource translations: All non-English versions of resources are translations of the original in English and are for informational purposes only. In case of a discrepancy, the English original will prevail.
Many thanks to the poster team!
Project leader:
Alicia Leytem, Oregon State University
Subject Matter Experts:
Derrick Terada, US EPA
Juan Concha, formerly Farmworker Association of Florida
Kaci Buhl and Sean Ross, Oregon State University
Project Assistant:
Hannah Moore, UC Davis Extension
Circle Point, Inc.
Printing partner:
National Pesticide Safety Education Center
Focus group leaders:
Karina Goicochea, Oregon State University
Melanie Forti, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs
Vashti Kelly, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs
Jeannie Economos, Farmworker Association of Florida
Antonio Tovar-Aguilar, Farmworker Association of Florida

Regulatory Guidance
Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.