What are my responsibilities as a trainer of workers?
Qualified WPS Trainers
WPS training must be delivered by:
- Someone who holds a current pesticide applicator's license (in any category), or
- Someone who has completed an EPA-approved WPS Train-the-Trainer program for workers, or
- Someone who has been designated as a trainer of workers by a state, federal, or tribal agency having jurisdiction.
Timing of Training
Agricultural workers need to be provided with WPS worker training before they begin working in treated areas, and every 12 months. If the worker has received pesticide handler training in the last 12 months, worker training is not required.
Training Format
As a trainer, you must:
- Be present during the entire training.
- Respond to workers' questions.
- Present the training in a way that is understandable for workers. Use a translator if necessary.
- Present the training verbally from written materials or from audio-visual materials workers can see and hear, such as a video.
- Conduct training in a location that is conducive to training and free from distractions.
Training Materials
The trainer must use EPA-approved training materials. Approved materials will bear an EPA approval number and an EPA statement of approval for use in WPS training. This approval number or publication number must be recorded on the training record.
- Materials approved for training workers: EPA approval W PST 00001
- Materials approved for training workers and handlers: EPA approval W/H PST 00001
There are EPA-approved videos and presentations, in English and Spanish. Browse for what you need here.
Neither workers nor trainers are required to maintain records of training. Agricultural employers must maintain training records for each worker on the establishment for two years after training. The agricultural employer must provide a copy of the training record to the worker upon request.
Training records must include:
- the trainee's printed name and signature,
- the date of training,
- the trainer's name,
- evidence of the trainer's qualification to train,
- pesticide applicator's license number, or
- EPA approval number for a Train-the-Trainer course, and the date it was completed by the trainer, or
- evidence of state/tribal designation as a WPS trainer
- the employer's name, and
- EPA approval number for the training materials.

Regulatory Guidance
Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.