Who must inform workers about pesticide hazards?
As a commercial pesticide handler employer, you are not required to communicate information about applications or treated areas directly to workers on an agricultural establishment. However, you are responsible for notifying the operator of the agricultural establishment of critical information related to any pesticide applications you plan to make. You must provide the following information before you apply any pesticide on an agricultural establishment:

- Location and description of any agricultural crops to be treated with pesticides
- Date, start time, and estimated end time of planned pesticide applications
- Product name, EPA registration number and all active ingredients
- Label-specific restricted-entry interval that is applicable for the application
- Method (oral, posting signs or both) by which workers must be notified about pesticide applications
- If not specified by the label, review this guide on posting requirements
- Restrictions and use directions included on the pesticide label that must be followed for protection of workers, handlers, and other people during or after the application
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Changes to Planned Pesticide Applications
Prior to a pesticide application, you must inform the agricultural employer of changes to any of the following:
- Location of area to be treated.
- Restricted-entry interval as mandated by the label.
- Method of hazard notification required.
- Label restrictions to protect workers, handlers or other people.
- If the start time will be earlier than planned.
You must notify the operator of the agricultural establishment about any other changes related to the application within two hours of the application's end time. However, no notification is needed when the application end time changes by less than one hour.
The operator of the agricultural establishment will use the information you provide for central posting, posting warning signs, and other requirements.

Regulatory Guidance
Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.