Your employer must provide you with certain protections.
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- Before you perform handler tasks on an agricultural establishment, you should receive training and access to site-specific information about the recent pesticide application(s).
- When mixing and loading pesticides, your employer should provide materials for routine washing and emergency decontamination.
- When handling pesticides with labels requiring eye protection, you must have immediate access to at least one pint of water at all times.
- Within two years after performing handler tasks, you can request information about pesticides you may have been exposed to, either by asking directly or through a designated representative.
- Your employer cannot retaliate against you for complying with the WPS.
What are my responsibilities as a pesticide handler?
What are my employer's responsibilities under the WPS?
If you handle pesticides or pesticide-contaminated equipment/containers on an agricultural establishment, the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) applies to you. You are considered a pesticide handler under the law. You are also a handler if you enter pesticide-treated areas during a restricted-entry interval (REI) to do crop advisor/consultant tasks and/or you act as a flagger during pesticide applications.
Which activities require handler training?
As a handler, how can I get the required training under the WPS?
Ask your employer, foreman, or labor contractor about handler training. It is the employer's responsibility to provide this training before you begin handling pesticides or pesticide containers, and it must be provided every 12 months. Depending on your situation, you may receive training on-site or your employer may organize training before work begins.
How and when will I be informed about pesticides in my workplace?
Your employer is responsible for ensuring you receive protections under the WPS, including the relevant hazard communication.

Regulatory Guidance
Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.