How and when will I be informed about pesticides in my workplace?
Your employer is responsible for ensuring you receive protections under the WPS, including the relevant hazard communication.
Pesticide Safety Training
Before you begin working in treated areas, you will receive training about the risks of pesticide exposure, poisoning symptoms, first aid, and ways to protect yourself. The training must be provided in a manner you can understand. A qualified trainer must be present to answer your questions. This training must be provided every 12 months. You can request a record of your training within two years, and take it with you to other establishments.

Central Location Display
Agricultural employers must display (1) safety data sheets (SDS), (2) application information (records), and (3) pesticide safety information (usually a poster) at a location on the establishment that you can access easily during working hours, called the "central location." It may be posted, kept in a binder, or stored on a computer. You must be able to find the information without asking for permission.
The pesticide application information and SDSs must be posted within 24 hours of the end of application. Application information and SDSs must be displayed for 30 days after restricted-entry-interval (REI) has expired.
You can ask for copies of the pesticide application records and safety data sheets within two years. The agricultural employer must provide them within two weeks. If you ask for them a second time, there may be a fee. If you would rather not ask for these records yourself, you can designate a representative to request them for you. You will have to sign your name and provide your dates of employment.
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Location-specific information
Before you work in treated areas on an establishment, your employer must tell you:
- Where to find the central posting location with pesticide application records, safety data sheets, and the pesticide safety information (poster),
- Where to find decontamination supplies (water, soap, and single-use towels),
- The location and description of any treated areas on the establishment where a restricted-entry interval (REI) is in effect near where you'll be working, and
- Any restrictions for those areas. There may be posted warning signs.
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Regulatory Guidance
Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.