
Continuing Education: Online Courses, Programs and Resources
- Farm Toxicology for Primary Care: Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings - Eastern AHEC
- Recognition, Management and Reporting of Pesticide Illness: A General Overview – California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)
- The California Medical Supervision Program – California OEHHA
- Pesticides and Child Health: Exposure Recognition and Prevention – Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU)
- Pesticides Residues in the Indoor Environment – PEHSU
- Grand Rounds: Insect repellants during pregnancy in the Zika era (webinar) – PEHSU
- Enhancing Rural Nursing Practice through Distance Learning – AgriSafe Network
- Pesticide Illness Modules - California OEHHA
Conferences / Webinars
- Physician Assistants: A Critical Role in Diagnosing and Treating Pesticide Poisonings: Informing history taking and physical assessment of patients in ambulatory care settings by Advanced Practice Providers (webinar) American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA)
- Grand Rounds: Pesticide Exposure and Child Health: New Evidence and Putting it into Practice (webinar) - Northwest Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (NW PEHSU)
- Agricultural Exposures: Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning and Prevention (webinar) – University of Iowa, College of Public Health: Rural Health and Safety
- Agricultural Safety and Health: The Core Course (conference) – University of Iowa, College of Public Health: Rural Health and Safety
- Introduction to Agricultural Medicine: Advancing Occupational and Environmental Health Practice in the Northwest – University of Washington, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health

PERC-med Projects
Resources for the prevention, recognition, and treatment of pesticide-related health conditions.
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