The Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative (PERC) invites your ideas for new educational resources/projects to serve the nation’s needs. Your ideas will be considered by the PERC Advisory Board. They may be related to:
- The newly revised Worker Protection Standard (WPS),
- Pesticide Applicator Certification and Training Regulations, and/or
- Other pesticide-related topics such as pollinator protection, IPM, and protecting air/water resources.
Projects could include brochures, fact sheets, posters, videos, manuals, exams, mobile apps/tools, and/or other items. These materials will educate people, and potentially prevent pesticide exposure incidents that may affect the environment, the public, pesticide applicators and/or their families.
Please send us your project idea using this link no later than Friday, October 13, 2017 to have it considered by the PERC Advisory Board for the 2018 priority list This is not a solicitation, but a gathering of input on resources that are needed. After a project is approved by the Advisory Board, PERC uses a competitive process to select the development team.
Some ideas already informally shared with PERC, including: sector-specific WPS training videos for workers and handlers; revision to Core manual and exam bank; manual and exam bank for private applicators; manual and exam bank for non-soil fumigation; predator control manual and exam bank; WPS handouts for workers and handlers; a manual for structural fumigation (requested by a member of ASPCRO), and a WPS training guide for small businesses.
About PERC: The PERC is funded by a 5-year cooperative agreement (#X8-83616301) between the U.S. EPA and the University of California Davis Extension, in cooperation with Oregon State University. It supports the development of resources and materials on the safe use of pesticides by applicators and handlers in agricultural, commercial, and residential settings. Many are already listed on our website here.
Project idea receipt deadline: Friday, October 13, 2017. For questions, please contact Suzanne Forsyth, or Kaci Buhl.

Regulatory Guidance
Browse brief guides about protections for workers and handlers, the AEZ, posting, PPE, exemptions, training, respirators, and more, in English and Spanish.