Farmers use a variety of equipment and products every day. Depending on the job, the equipment and products change by the day, season, and task at hand. Farmers must take safe steps when operating machinery and utilizing these tools to protect themselves and others on the farm.




“What is Safety? Grain Bin Safety” teaches about dangers of working around grain bins and the proper safety precautions to follow to stay safe.
  • Learn more about grain bin safety by clicking the links below. Each item on the list links to a free downloadable resource that accompanies the video above.

GROW MORE by utilizing these materials at home, in the classroom, or the workplace.

“What is Safety? Equipment” teaches how to stay safe around different equipment on the farm such as tractors, skid loaders, and augers.
  • Learn more about equipment safety by clicking the links below. Each item on the list links to a free downloadable resource that accompanies the video above.

GROW MORE by utilizing these materials at home, in the classroom, or the workplace.

“What is Safety? Chemicals” teaches the importance of staying safe while using, or being around, chemicals; whether that be on the farm or even in your house.
  • Learn more about chemical safety by clicking the links below. Each item on the list links to a free downloadable resource that accompanies the video above.

GROW MORE by utilizing these materials at home, in the classroom, or the workplace.